10-01-2016, 11:40 AM
10-02-2016, 06:31 AM
Heh, if you want proper PHP decoding contact someone like Kolaz here :) Also no, I won't decode the rest of the files.
PHP Code:
namespace Pg\Modules\Contact\Models;
if( !defined("BASEPATH") )
exit( "No direct script access allowed" );
* Contact install model
* @package PG_RealEstate
* @subpackage Contact
* @category models
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2000-2014 PG Real Estate - php real estate listing software
* @author Pilot Group Ltd <http://www.pilotgroup.net/>
class Contact_install_model extends \Model
* Link to CodeIgniter object
* @var object
protected $CI = NULL;
* Menu configuration
* @var array
protected $menu = array( "admin_menu" => array( "action" => "none", "name" => "", "items" => array( "settings_items" => array( "action" => "none", "items" => array( "feedbacks-items" => array( "action" => "none", "items" => array( "contact_menu_item" => array( "action" => "create", "link" => "admin/contact/index", "status" => 1, "sorter" => 2 ) ) ) ) ), "system-items" => array( "action" => "none", "items" => array( "system_contact_menu_item" => array( "action" => "create", "link" => "admin/contact/index", "status" => 1, "sorter" => 2 ) ) ) ) ), "admin_contact_menu" => array( "action" => "create", "name" => "Admin mode - Content - Contacts", "items" => array( "contact_list_item" => array( "action" => "create", "link" => "admin/contact/index", "status" => 1 ), "contact_settings_item" => array( "action" => "create", "link" => "admin/contact/settings", "status" => 1 ) ) ) );
* Feedbacks modules
* @var array
protected $feedbacks_modules = array( "reviews", "spam", "users_deactivate" );
* Notifications configuration
* @var array
protected $notifications = array( "templates" => array( array( "gid" => "user_guest_contact", "name" => "Contact from guest", "vars" => array( "user", "sender", "email", "phone", "message" ), "content_type" => "text" ), array( "gid" => "auser_guest_contact", "name" => "Contact from guest (for admin)", "vars" => array( ), "content_type" => "text" ) ), "notifications" => array( array( "gid" => "user_guest_contact", "template" => "user_guest_contact", "send_type" => "simple" ), array( "gid" => "auser_guest_contact", "template" => "auser_guest_contact", "send_type" => "simple" ) ) );
* Moderators configuration
* @var array
protected $moderators = array( array( "module" => "contact", "method" => "index", "is_default" => 1 ), array( "module" => "contact", "method" => "settings", "is_default" => 0 ) );
* Moderation types
* @var array
protected $moderation_types = array( array( "name" => "contact", "mtype" => "-1", "module" => "contact", "model" => "Contact_model", "check_badwords" => "1", "method_get_list" => "", "method_set_status" => "", "method_delete_object" => "", "allow_to_decline" => "0", "template_list_row" => "" ) );
* Constructor
* @return Contact_install_model
public function __construct()
$this->CI =and get_instance();
* Check system requirements of module
* @return void
public function _validate_requirements()
$result = array( "data" => array( ), "result" => true );
$good = function_exists("mb_convert_encoding");
$result["data"][] = array( "name" => "Mbstring extension (required for feeds parsing) is installed", "value" => ($good ? "Yes" : "No"), "result" => $good );
$result["result"] = $result["result"] and& $good;
$good = function_exists("iconv");
$result["data"][] = array( "name" => "Iconv extension (required for feeds parsing) is installed", "value" => ($good ? "Yes" : "No"), "result" => $good );
$result["result"] = $result["result"] and& $good;
return $result;
* Install data of menu module
* @return void
public function install_menu()
foreach( $this->menu as $gid => $menu_data )
$this->menu[$gid]["id"] = linked_install_set_menu($gid, $menu_data["action"], $menu_data["name"]);
linked_install_process_menu_items($this->menu, "create", $gid, 0, $this->menu[$gid]["items"]);
* Import languages of menu module
* @param array $langs_ids languages identifiers
* @return void
public function install_menu_lang_update($langs_ids = NULL)
if( empty($langs_ids) )
return false;
$langs_file = $this->CI->Install_model->language_file_read("contact", "menu", $langs_ids);
if( !$langs_file )
log_message("info", "Empty menu langs data");
foreach( $this->menu as $gid => $menu_data )
linked_install_process_menu_items($this->menu, "update", $gid, 0, $this->menu[$gid]["items"], $gid, $langs_file);
return true;
* Export languages of menu module
* @param array $langs_ids languages identifiers
* @return array
public function install_menu_lang_export($langs_ids)
if( empty($langs_ids) )
return false;
$return = array( "menu" => array( ) );
foreach( $this->menu as $gid => $menu_data )
$temp = linked_install_process_menu_items($this->menu, "export", $gid, 0, $this->menu[$gid]["items"], $gid, $langs_ids);
$return["menu"] = array_merge($return["menu"], $temp);
return $return;
* Uninstall data of menu module
* @return void
public function deinstall_menu()
foreach( $this->menu as $gid => $menu_data )
if( $menu_data["action"] == "create" )
linked_install_set_menu($gid, "delete");
linked_install_delete_menu_items($gid, $this->menu[$gid]["items"]);
* Install data of notifications module
* @return array
public function install_notifications()
$templates_ids = array( );
foreach( (array) $this->notifications["templates"] as $template_data )
if( is_array($template_data["vars"]) )
$template_data["vars"] = implode(",", $template_data["vars"]);
$validate_data = $this->CI->Templates_model->validate_template(null, $template_data);
if( !empty($validate_data["errors"]) )
$templates_ids[$template_data["gid"]] = $this->CI->Templates_model->save_template(null, $validate_data["data"]);
foreach( (array) $this->notifications["notifications"] as $notification_data )
if( !isset($templates_ids[$notification_data["template"]]) )
$template = $this->CI->Templates_model->get_template_by_gid($notification_data["template"]);
$templates_ids[$notification_data["template"]] = $template["id"];
$notification_data["id_template_default"] = $templates_ids[$notification_data["template"]];
$validate_data = $this->CI->Notifications_model->validate_notification(null, $notification_data);
if( !empty($validate_data["errors"]) )
$this->CI->Notifications_model->save_notification(null, $validate_data["data"]);
* Import languages of notifications module
* @param array $langs_ids lanuages identifiers
* @return boolean
public function install_notifications_lang_update($langs_ids = NULL)
if( empty($langs_ids) )
return false;
$langs_file = $this->CI->Install_model->language_file_read("contact", "notifications", $langs_ids);
if( !$langs_file )
log_message("info", "Empty notifications langs data");
return false;
$this->CI->Notifications_model->update_langs((array) $this->notifications, $langs_file, $langs_ids);
return true;
* Export languages of notifications module
* @param array $langs_ids languages identifiers
* @return array
public function install_notifications_lang_export($langs_ids = NULL)
$langs = $this->CI->Notifications_model->export_langs((array) $this->notifications, $langs_ids);
return array( "notifications" => $langs );
* Uninstall data of notifications module
* @return void
public function deinstall_notifications()
foreach( (array) $this->notifications["notifications"] as $notification_data )
foreach( (array) $this->notifications["templates"] as $template_data )
* Install data of moderation module
* @return void
public function install_moderation()
foreach( $this->moderation_types as $mtype )
$mtype["date_add"] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
$this->CI->Moderation_type_model->save_type(null, $mtype);
* Import languages of moderation module
* @param array $langs_ids languages identifiers
* @return void
public function install_moderation_lang_update($langs_ids = NULL)
if( !is_array($langs_ids) )
$langs_ids = (array) $langs_ids;
$langs_file = $this->CI->Install_model->language_file_read("contact", "moderation", $langs_ids);
if( !$langs_file )
log_message("info", "Empty moderation langs data");
return false;
$this->CI->Moderation_type_model->update_langs($this->moderation_types, $langs_file);
* Export languages of moderation module
* @param array $langs_ids languages identifiers
* @return array
public function install_moderation_lang_export($langs_ids = NULL)
if( !is_array($langs_ids) )
$langs_ids = (array) $langs_ids;
$moderation = $this->CI->Moderation_type_model->export_langs($this->moderation_types, $langs_ids);
return array( "moderation" => $moderation );
* Uninstall data of moderation module
* @return void
public function deinstall_moderation()
foreach( $this->moderation_types as $mtype )
$type = $this->CI->Moderation_type_model->get_type_by_name($mtype["name"]);
* Install data of moderators module
* @return void
public function install_moderators()
foreach( (array) $this->moderators as $method_data )
$validate_data = array( "errors" => array( ), "data" => $method_data );
if( !empty($validate_data["errors"]) )
$this->CI->Moderators_model->save_method(null, $validate_data["data"]);
* Import languages of moderators module
* @param array $langs_ids languages identifiers
* @return void
public function install_moderators_lang_update($langs_ids = NULL)
$langs_file = $this->CI->Install_model->language_file_read("contact", "moderators", $langs_ids);
if( !$langs_file )
log_message("info", "Empty moderators langs data");
return false;
$params["where"]["module"] = "contact";
$methods = $this->CI->Moderators_model->get_methods_lang_export($params);
foreach( $methods as $method )
if( !empty($langs_file[$method["method"]]) )
$this->CI->Moderators_model->save_method($method["id"], array( ), $langs_file[$method["method"]]);
* Export languages of moderators module
* @param array $langs_ids languages identifiers
* @return array
public function install_moderators_lang_export($langs_ids)
$params["where"]["module"] = "contact";
$methods = $this->CI->Moderators_model->get_methods_lang_export($params, $langs_ids);
foreach( $methods as $method )
$return[$method["method"]] = $method["langs"];
return array( "moderators" => $return );
* Uninstall data of moderators module
* @return void
public function deinstall_moderators()
$params = array( );
$params["where"]["module"] = "contact";
* Install module data
* @return void
public function _arbitrary_installing()
if( $this->CI->pg_module->is_module_active("moderators") )
$users = $this->CI->Moderators_model->get_users_list(null, 1, array( "id" => "DESC" ), array( "where" => array( "user_type" => "admin" ) ));
if( !empty($users) )
$this->CI->pg_module->set_module_config("contact", "contact_send_mail", 1);
$this->CI->pg_module->set_module_config("contact", "contact_admin_email", $users[0]["email"]);
* Uninstall module data
* @return void
public function _arbitrary_deinstalling()
10-02-2016, 04:25 PM
Thank you, JustSomeDude!!!
I wish I knew how you did it.
I will contact Kolaz.
I wish I knew how you did it.
I will contact Kolaz.
12-28-2016, 02:40 AM
where the file link download?
12-28-2016, 04:09 AM
PG Real Estate - php real estate listing software script