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Bookly with addons.

Great . I love it . Have a nice day :)
bookly would be nice

all addons included.
with latest updates.


please no reshare. Do not download from other sources if reshared for your own security.
I Would love to have WP theme and plugin with all addons of

Billio - Multipurpose Company WordPress Theme (prefer choice)


Architect - Creative Agency WordPress Theme

Thank in advance.
Windows Defender say its Trojan for your BOOkly plugin.
Hi Octavian,

Can you please share HEALTHFLEX Medical Health WordPress Theme?
Badly needed....will repp you to my fullest capacity..hehehe

Thank you!
Thanks for the great shares!

I have sent you a PM question.

max reps to you!
(10-01-2016 08:07 PM)mungos Wrote: [ -> ]Windows Defender say its Trojan for your BOOkly plugin.

mungos, if you think there is trojan, dont download it.
because I hate people that complain and false accusate others, because of YOU i will never ever update this plugin!!

(10-01-2016 08:11 PM)jimms Wrote: [ -> ]Hi Octavian,

Can you please share HEALTHFLEX Medical Health WordPress Theme?
Badly needed....will repp you to my fullest capacity..hehehe

Thank you!

I will PM you with the theme.

Also I have full access here if someone want something from this
just let me know I will share if for you.
(10-01-2016 07:26 PM)octavian123 Wrote: [ -> ]ok

all addons included.
with latest updates.


please no reshare. Do not download from other sources if reshared for your own security.

Thanks ... and reps
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