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Full Version: [GET] Nourish Bowls: Simple and Delicious Balanced Meals in a Bowl
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Nourish bowl, hippie bowl, buddha bowl, rainbow veggie bowl, poke bowl, glow bowl - these are just some of the names given to one of the most prevalent current food trends. Search for any of those names as a tag within Instagram and you'll be treated to a kaleidoscope of images of hearty, wholesome meals in a bowl. The basic premise of the nourish bowl is simple to follow: build a layered bowl with a leafy greens base, add raw or cooked vegetables or fruits, include a protein-rich element along with some healthy fats, keep the carbs to a minimum and then top with a final extra flourish in the form of a dressing.


Thanks to stillstanding for another great share....the OP is an EPUB file....I converted to a PDF....

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