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(12-07-2016 12:20 AM)Blizzard12345 Wrote: [ -> ]Here's the latest version of Content Grabber Premium v2.3.10 as at 12/06/2016

Tested and working - Read included instructions and Enjoy!

Content Grabber Premium v2.3.10

use default password

Fully tested and working - No Errors with Run or Debug

Note: Previously cracked versions may be removed even though links appear on previous posts.

(12-07-2016 12:20 AM)Blizzard12345 Wrote: [ -> ]Here's the latest version of Content Grabber Premium v2.3.10 as at 12/06/2016

Tested and working - Read included instructions and Enjoy!

Content Grabber Premium v2.3.10

use default password

Fully tested and working - No Errors with Run or Debug

Note: Previously cracked versions may be removed even though links appear on previous posts.

Hi, first of all, thank you for the great release! However, there seem to be an error while exporting out from SQLite to Excel. I keep experiencing "object reference not set to an instance of an object"

Could you check from your side whether it is working perfectly? Thank you!
Working perfectly here. First, specify the output format: Data > Change Export Target.
After Runing the project, you just click Data > Open Export Folder to see the exported file.

Advanced Tip for huge projects: I even changed SQLite to SQL Server Express (free) for better performance on big projects as recommended in Content Grabber's manual. As my OS is Win 7 64, I installed SQL Server Express 2014 (x64). Win 8/10 supports SQL Server Express 2016.

For use SQL Server Express instead of SQLite: Data > Internal Database Settings.
Get SQL database details in Win Start menu > All Programs > Microsoft SQL Server 2014 > SQL Server Management Studio. Right-click on the server (first line in browser) > Properties > Connection > Show Connection Properties.
Hi s3arch,

Thanks for helping out expiratez with his SQL issue.
No problem, Blizzard12345! Trying to help is the minimum I should do. The hardest work you're doing very well.
This software is simply wonderful. Sure I will buy it when have money.
Here's the latest version of Content Grabber Premium v2.3.12 as at 12/08/2016

Tested and working - Read included instructions and Enjoy!

Content Grabber Premium v2.3.12

use default password

Fully tested and working - No Errors with Run or Debug

Note: Previously cracked versions may be removed even though links appear on previous posts.

Tip for speed-up web scraping: Multi thread. I don't know if this feature works for all project types.
In this example, I'll use 5 simultaneous browsers to grab data 5x faster from a webstore catalog.
Click on Edit icon on your Agent > Properties > (scroll down) Multi Threading. Then put:
Default Number of Web Browsers: false
Max Concurrent Web Connections: 5
Max Web Browsers: 5
Here's the latest version of Content Grabber Premium v2.3.15 as at 12/11/2016

Tested and working - Read included instructions and Enjoy!

Content Grabber Premium v2.3.15

use default password

Fully tested and working - No Errors with Run or Debug

Note: Previously cracked versions may be removed even though links appear on previous posts.
Thanks Blizzard12345 you're the best!
great tip on speeding up seb scraping :) thanks
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