09-30-2016, 03:35 AM
![[Image: MUAYTHAISPRAWL_ebookcover_md-259x300.png]](http://muaythaiselfdefense.com/wp-content/uploads/MUAYTHAISPRAWL_ebookcover_md-259x300.png)
Protect Yourself and Defend In Any Life Threatening Situation
19 Ways “Muay Thai Sprawl Self Defense System” Can Protect You And Your Loved Ones.
Here are just a few of the benefits of my secret self defense system.
You will learn proper awareness SO you can shut down an attack 98% of the time before it happens. Page 7
Learn the 3 requirements that an attacker needs to be successful SO you stay off an attacker’s radar. Page 8
Learn the most important asset you can control SO the attacker doesn’t have the confidence to even test you. Page 10
Learn how to keep an attack on your feet SO you have more choices, defenses and an escape if needed. Page 16
Develop the knowledge and skill of different techniques SO you know how to defend yourself in confined and open spaces. Page 20
Develop the knowledge and skill of different techniques SO you know how to defend yourself on different terrains and surfaces. Page 23
Going to the ground on the streets can lead to injury from rocks, glass, ground, and cancel escape options SO you will learn how to stay off the ground. Page 20
Learn the Art and Science of the Sucker Punch SO you don’t become a victim from it. Page 13
Learn the 5 different Fighting Ranges SO you know what skills you can utilize to properly land, block or evade an attack. Page 14
Understand these Fighting Ranges SO you can predict what technique your foe is about to try to use on you. Page 15
Learn which stance is the most effective SO you can deliver bone crushing striking techniques, allow for mobile footwork to retreat, evade and prevent getting taken to the ground. Page 16
Learn which technique is the MOST IMPORTANT, but neglected element of keeping you safe from an attack. Page 25
Learn the simplest MOST DEVASTATING STRIKE to completely SHUT DOWN an attacker by targeting this area of the body. Page 42
Learn a strike that even a 7 year old child can effectively use to prevent abduction and will work every time when executed. Page 41
Learn this one grab escape SO regardless of how strong a man is you can still escape from his grab. Page 52
Understand Field Vision Enhancement SO you can spot a potential attacker from far away and well before they even remotely get close to you. Page 7
Learn 2 simple moves SO you can’t be taken to the ground or picked up and abducted. Page 54
Learn the proper way to fall SO if you do end up on the ground you don’t hit your head or severely injure yourself or incapacitate yourself. Page 56
Learn Attacking Ground Defense techniques just in case you are taken to the ground. These techniques so effective that they are banned from MMA sport fighting. Page 53