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Hello fellow bbhf,

I would like to create a thread for Mac OS Users here in BBHF to share news on latest apps, ideas or anything that we can use on our internet life for our Mac OS computer.

I am new to MacOS Happydance and decided to make this as my main machine now. So i dont have any ideas for now on what tools i have to use for my Internet marketing.

I hope this thread can help anyone getting started in Internet Marketing with MacOS.

(09-21-2016 02:55 AM)NoWaR Wrote: [ -> ]Hello fellow bbhf,

I would like to create a thread for Mac OS Users here in BBHF to share news on latest apps, ideas or anything that we can use on our internet life for our Mac OS computer.

I am new to MacOS Happydance and decided to make this as my main machine now. So i dont have any ideas for now on what tools i have to use for my Internet marketing.

I hope this thread can help anyone getting started in Internet Marketing with MacOS.


I feel you brother. I recently bought an apple laptop months ago.
At first it was quite confusing where to start if you've been into windows OS for quite some time.

But now i am proud and happy to be a mac user in the main advantage of virus free :)

Well i hope this helps you if your looking into seo internet marketing tools for mac.

Happy to see you create a thread like this. Nice Thread Perfect 10
Come lets help each other happydancehappydanceHappydance
Coolness for starting this thread. Mac notebook user about 5-6 years now. :)
Great to hear from my fellow mac users...

Right now im still getting setup with my basic tools like:

Filezilla FTP
Remote Desktop Manager - used for VPS
Visual Code (Since there no notepad++ in mac)

Same Here @SEO Expert one of my reason moving to MAC is windows viruses.. i heard its very minimal viruses in MacOS
I'm in. Been a Mac owner for 20 years now - even worked for the Apple Store for nearly 5 years. Welcome to the cult - or as my husband says, "drink the kool-aid." >< lol

I'm fortunate that I get to use a Mac desktop at work and that they let me get a Macbook Pro as well. Would love to share/learn w/ others.
I'm a fellow Mac user - I first used an Apple as a kid in 1980 or 1981. Switched from Windows in 2004 and currently have a MacBook Pro as my main machine and an old Mac Mini as a backup. (And an iPhone. And an iPad. Etc...)

It can still be a bit frustrating when you see Windows-only software but it's much less of a problem than when I first switched. There are a couple of pieces of software I still have to run using Windows 8 via Parallels but that's no major hassle.

FileZilla is good but for FTP/SFTP I use Interarchy now. It's regularly available with a discount and is sometimes part of a software bundle. It's the most reliable and fastest FTP client I've ever used: solid as a rock. And I am not connected with the developer in any way - I just think it's a great program.

Looking forward to seeing this thread develop and hopefully find some nice new software tools!
too soon to buy a macbook, wait
I love using a macbook. I have forgotten how to use a PC. Once you transform, you cant go back!

Hey man, welcome to the world of Macs, it's going to be different but you'll grow into it and once you do, you'll have trouble going back to Windows:)

If you need apps/softwares for your new setup, you can go to Nmac, that's where I get all of my cracked apps for OS, makes life much easier.

For the software that only runs on Windows, I use VMWare to run both OS and Windows 10 simultaneously . Seamless, mostly bug free, and no need for Bootcamp:)
I have been a Mac user for almost 10 years now. My first laptop was Macbook Air.

I love all official Mac softwares. Though I personally like using Android OS on my smartphone
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