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To become a full-time professional ethical hacker, you must learn the inner workings of computers and networks. You must know software development from an inside perspective. You must also be able to get inside of the minds of Black Hats and understand their drives and motivations.

This book is the blueprint that will provide you with all the appropriate software, hacking strategies additionally the overall methodology of the discipline to be comfortable in the art of HACKING.

This Book Includes The following

What is Hacking?
Classifications of Hackers
Types of Attacks
Hacking Tools
Malware: The (Not So) Good, Bad, and Ugly
Common Attacks and Viruses
Hiding Your IP Address
How to Hack an Email Password
Spoofing Techniques
Mobile Hacking

In this book you with have an introduction to the world of hacking. You now have enough information to access the necessary tools, build your virtual hacking box, and begin learning the art and science of hacking.!Sg9TiJ7a!m-3Nqg7NCvZCS...nYnHUvDkEk
Interesting Stuff... Thanks!
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