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Full Version: how to clone my own php site
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I have a site written in php with database etc.
It got deindexed by google.
I would like to clone/copy it to another domain (s when I upload, domainname will have to change)
how do I do this?
Any software for this
If I do this manually, do I download everything under pblic_html, create database with same name (or new name) edit the php files for database name and upload
a] database
b)site content

Can anyone guide me
you wouldn't have to do anything with your database. you would still be accessing the same database through your php files you are transfering to your new folder(new domain name)

you're not really cloning anything. you are just copying all your files to a folder(assuing you are using you same hosting account)

whether you can transfer all the files in your public folder is a different story though depending on what ya got in there like sub directories or other addon domains andposibily any other scripts or directories that doesn't need to be transfered.

it's pretty simple though. the only thing you would have to edit is anything in your database or php files(usually just connfig files) that contain your old domain name.

it's a 5 minutes job really....10 at the most if you need to edit a lot.....
oh and make sure you create a backup of your database and site to your hd before doing anything if you haven't already done this(you should already have a backup of your site and you should make a habit of updating your database every week even if you think there were no changes)
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