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(09-12-2016 04:42 PM)!!!AXL_LOW_LORD!!! Wrote: [ -> ]
(09-12-2016 04:32 PM)PrEtTy_KhArEnZky Wrote: [ -> ]
(09-12-2016 04:13 PM)sharkwhite Wrote: [ -> ]interesting, thanks for sharing
littel question
This is the latest version ?
him to never tested to see if it works all right ?
the most important question
and checked the code to see if they have put in to the code
a backdoor ?
thanks in advance the answer

This is the latest version. It will work if you know how to setup with Windows Server. I'm not sure about backdoor, perhaps you can check I believed your a good cracker.
2 link not work for me

2 links still working.

(09-12-2016 04:53 PM)ѕ¢σяρισ Wrote: [ -> ]mega

thanks scorpio

(09-12-2016 08:19 PM)jancokblu3s Wrote: [ -> ]thanks for great share and thanks for scorpio for mega... any documentation guide for instalation?

unfortunately i don't have. you need to look for an expert with windows hosting server.
Some one should please teach me how to install this software
Links no longer work.
Great share...hope it works!
(09-15-2016 12:55 AM)Daze. Wrote: [ -> ]Links no longer work.

I'm sure It's still working. There's also a mega dl link. Try it.

Great Share.. i have heard about this mailer before but never tried because very expensive.. i hope this will work.. Thanks for share..
Be careful ! it has virus, check here:

TheHacker Trojan/Generic.xt
is this still available anywhere else.... this link doesn't work
Links no longer work.
Getting started with Sprint Sender:
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