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Full Version: [GET] [Purchased] [Untouched] Flatsome 3.0 | Multi-Purpose Responsive WooCommerce Theme
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(01-10-2017 02:44 AM)interanet Wrote: [ -> ]To register a theme do we need a licence?

Is there a licence necessary for registering a theme?

You do not need to register. Registration is only necessary for automatic update and update notification. You can always manually update without registering!

Thanks, hope it helps!
Rep+ for great share, Brother!
Thanks for sharing. Can we get an update? Version 3.2.5 is out.
(01-10-2017 02:44 AM)interanet Wrote: [ -> ]To register a theme do we need a licence?

Is there a licence necessary for registering a theme?

You do not need to register. Registration is only necessary for automatic update and update notification. You can always manually update without registering!

Thanks, hope it helps!
thanks buddy +rep
Thanks for sharing
Thanks for sharing. Very much appreciated. Dont need it now but once i have time for a ecommerce shop. I suppose the theme allows product importing?

Max reps for your great share!
Thank you p0w3rs1av3 rep added
how to upload demos?
Please update to 3.3.1
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