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Your download is ready.
When i click mirror. They don't download.

thanks 4 sharing bro
I did everything. In readme it says once this is completed launch your site to the site/alexa/index file.

What does this mean? I need to go to browser and go to my website pointing to the above folder?
In my case its wowurlife(i can post full link)
When i do that it says Error 404 - Page not found!
Please help this techology idiot

This is awesome. Hope it helps in improving my site ranking :)
In my earlier post i meant to say since i am newbie i cannot post full link
When the index file is a php file then you need to go to:
Thats what i did( and thats where i went and got the error). I will tell you what i did
1) I downloaded the file and extracted it
2) Edited the 34th line to replace yoururl to wowurlife in index.php
3) Created a folder named alexa in ftp in root
4) Uploaded all the files into this folder
5) Went to my host, file manager and changed file/folder permission to 777 for proxy and temp folder
6) Went to the site mentioned mysite/alexa/index.php and got this error :(
why put dead links ...:@
this script still working...???? Thread more than 1 year old
it's just a fake proxy traffic blast script....
those who wants to check...

i've just update one proxy page....use that if you want

Allow popup..if it's block....

Enjoy...i'll keep the script for some time...then i'll remove it.
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