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Salespeople and marketers work extremely hard for their money. After all, unlike most professionals, your salary is dependent on what you achieve every week, month or quarter.

Once you bring home the bacon, however, what do you do with it?

Unfortunately, it’s pretty easy to fritter away your hard-earned paychecks on non-essentials -- but you’ll never become the next Michael Bloomberg if you don’t save up. According to this infographic from Buddy Loans, Bloomberg made two pairs of shoes last for 10 years by periodically getting them resoled and reheeled.

If you’re a big earner and a big spender, check out the infographic to start spending more wisely. It reveals 10 more frugal habits of the super-rich that you can borrow today.

here is the direct link to the infographic:
Magic Button :
like a mentor of mine says, spend less now, so you can spend more later

do not forget to use infographics in your marketing, and follow the examples of other wealthy people, so one day you can be wealthy too. what do you have to lose? before you go, how about some +rep, or is that to much to ask? or do you prefer to grab and run? like the infographic i shared shows, wealthy people have habits, you need new habits too, if you wish a better life for you and your family, you need new habits, like recognizing people who help you. the more habits you create, the more chances you have for making more money. or you can keep doing the same stupid things you are doing now, how is that working for you?
then you wonder why you are not wealthy Hitface
Thank you for this. Makes you think about your choices.
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