10-02-2011, 11:34 AM
WP4FP Theme Files
WordPress For Fan Pages is a a set of 16 Themes (8 Reveal and 8 Standard Themes). The Reveal Themes will hide a pre-defined menu tab or WordPress page in the Fan Page until the Fan Page is “Liked”. The hidden menu tab/page will then be “revealed” and this content page will open.
Please ensure that you install this as a THEME and NOT a PLUGIN.
The Installation PDF includes the basic configuration instructions for Word Press For Fan Pages
Direct Download:
WordPress For Fan Pages is a a set of 16 Themes (8 Reveal and 8 Standard Themes). The Reveal Themes will hide a pre-defined menu tab or WordPress page in the Fan Page until the Fan Page is “Liked”. The hidden menu tab/page will then be “revealed” and this content page will open.
Please ensure that you install this as a THEME and NOT a PLUGIN.
The Installation PDF includes the basic configuration instructions for Word Press For Fan Pages
Direct Download: