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Full Version: Want to Rent your Facebook Ads Account for up to $100 a Month. Easiest Residual Income Ever!
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hey guys, I got a profitable campaign on facebook ads I'm trying to scale right now so will need to use a couple more ad accounts.
If you are over 25 yrs old and have a facebook account at least a year old and are not using your facebook ad account
I will rent it from you. The first month is $50 but the 2nd month as the campaign is going good we can pay $100 a month
every month after that via paypal.

This is a white hat campaign business promotion and can go on forever.
If your interested post or pm your skype and we'll chat. Looking forward to working with you.
Hello affiliatemaster !

We are agency of Facebook. We have reputable account of Facebook to run advertising. Our facebook account:
- The spending limit for the day was opened faster
- The ability spend money quickly and less a problem than new account
- Cost savings compared to manually run by personal accounts does not the reliability
- Get support directly from Facebook when technical problems in the process of advertising, account issues

Feel free to contact me to see more information
Skype: maizeclark91

Hope to help you soon!
Feel free to contact me to see more information
I have a lot of fb ads accounts for this, pls PM me.
PM me . I may have an offer for you
craye, please empty your PM.. or contact me i might need you service
Careful...$100 might sound good but it will likely be banned/disabled if you're willing to lose it...
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