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Full Version: Article Generator Pro - Refund Request Ignored
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I just purchase Article Generator Pro last day, but article generated by is not good for me then I request to refund my money using the contact form, it seems ignored still now.

May a person on BBHF can help me to resolve this case.

Thanks before, Regards,

use paypal to ask for the refund
@Seoi: Yes, as granmaster says, IF you purchased through Paypal, they are pretty good about getting your refund, especially if you explain that the product did not deliver as the sales page claimed.

First step is knowing whether you bought through Paypal and if you used your own credit card or purchased through Paypal. If you went through Clickbank, you may need to contact them. Look for a "Contact Us" link on the payment site or a support email address.

By all means, save any email correspondence showing that you tried to settle the issue with the vendor (emails sent and received between you two). If a number of days have gone by without hearing back, I would contact the seller again and explain you're trying to get a refund based on your experience with the product. If they refuse, say you will contact Paypal within X number of days ... that usually does it. No seller wants to get their accounts messed with for a few unhappy buyers.

But again, all this information is useless if you did not purchase the product through Paypal or Clickbank.

Of course, I know neither what you expected from the product nor the quality of the product you purchased. But I will say this, as a consumer with an interest in internet marketing, it makes me boiling mad how these sellers will literally chase you like blood hounds to get the sale (countless emails, pop-ups and OTOs on websites) but run like little bitc*es when you discover the product wasn't all it was cracked up to be.

I wish you the best.

Well, it is the weekend. You might want to allow for people and support ops who work a normal week to have a chance to respond.
@Seoi: So far you've gotten good advice from 3 of us. Like sjc999 says, it IS the weekend. Keep that in mind. I read your message again and it seems you only ordered the product a day or so ago. Did you keep a copy of the output the software produced? If so, you can use it to show the product seller (or Paypal, etc.) what you're not happy with ... if it comes to proof that you used the product but wasn't satisfied.

Hopefully, others will come onto this thread and give you more advice from their experience.

You asked if any BBHF member can resolve this issue. No, we cannot. We can only guide you in what options you may have.

I wish you well.

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