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I have read so many articles and tutorials about link juice.
I still cannot understrand it completely.

For example you register a forum profile on PR-8 domain but your forum profile page which contains your backlink is a PR-0. No matter how many years pass it still remains a PR-0.

What do people mean when they say it passes the link juice onto your backlink.

Experts please explain...
If you had a direct link from an actual pr8 page your link would probably become a pr6.
See this chart: http://freeaffiliatemarketingtipsandtool...-Chart.gif

I think people selling link building products just make a big deal about the homepage pagerank to get you to buy their products. I'm almost certain a link on a pr0 page from a pr8 domain doesn't pass any more pagerank than a pr0 page link from a pr1 domain. However, I also think Google might count total number of inlinks separately from pagerank. A lot of people report getting improved rankings after scrapebox blasting mostly nofollow blogs. So pagerank, while important, and dependent on inlinks, seems like a seperate ranking factor from overall total number of inlinks.

That's just what I tend to think. I'm just a noob still though.
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