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The 5-Level Ultra Meditation System For Transcendence...Peak Experiences and Discovering Your Place in the Universe.

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Level 1: The BeginningTheta Mind Experience
[Image: UM_1.JPG]
For the first 30 days, you’ll plug your mind into Ultra Meditation I­The Beginning once a day for 28 minutes. In the words of one user here’s what it feels like: “I was truly not prepared for the feelings I experienced the first time I heard the soundtrack. At times I felt like I was in a science fiction movie, at others like I was visiting another dimension.”

Level 2: Transformation Going Beyond Theta
[Image: UM_2.JPG]
After 30 to 60 days you are ready for Ultra Meditation II ­Transformation. If you’ve followed the program you should begin noticing subtle changes in your attitude and stress level. Especially in how you feel about yourself and the world. Little annoyances and things that would get you down just don’t matter anymore. You are ready for Transformation. Perhaps it will happen all at once, or it may progress slowly over a period of time. When it happens you will know it. The external world will take on a new color and meaning, and you will feel more alive than you ever have in your life. When you’re ready (it could be weeks or months—you’ll know when its time) move on to Level III.

Level 3: Awareness The Delta Experience
[Image: UM3.JPG]
It’s now been at at least 60-90 days since you started your personal Transformation program—you’re ready to move up to Ultra-Meditation III­Awareness. This is where you should begin to experience transcendence. That blissful connection with the universe that opens you up to higher levels of awareness. But will it happen to you? That’s impossible to say. The purpose of this program is to experience transcendence, not read about it. That’s what makes it different than anything that’s ever been published. What is relevant is only your personal experience, not the concepts being put forth in this piece. Either you will experience something profound or not. It’s really that simple.

Level 4: Cetacean Mind Link The Dolphin and Whale Experience
[Image: UM4.JPG]
LEVEL IV and V ­ Cetacean Mind Link and Near Death Experience.
Moving on then to Levels IV and V. These are to be used after you’ve felt a shift in your consciousness. For some this shift can occur within a few weeks into the program. For others it may take months or longer. Each person’s psychological make-up is different, and no one can predict exactly when such a shift will occur. However everyone (who is really doing it) should notice some effect within the first 90 days. This is why it is best to wait the full 90 days before going to Levels IV and V. Not that it can harm you in any way—but rather the experiences at these levels will offer greater meaning and insight. So the question is, are you willing to commit at least 90 days to this program? Because if you’re not, there really is no point in getting involved in the first place.

Level 5: Near Death Experience Beyond and Back
[Image: UM5.JPG]

I’VE SPENT THE LAST 20 YEARS searching for tools that could shift the energies of consciousness, and unfold a state of enlightened awareness. What I’m about to reveal may be the simplest, most powerful technology for unleashing the hidden powers of the human mind.


Listen: I did everything in the 70’s and 80’s. From retreats to flotation tanks, and brain tune-up machines. But none of it prepared me for the power of the Brain Supercharger® technology. As I plugged it into my stereo player, I kept thinking, "it’s just a recording." Then I put on my headphones, flipped the switch, and woosh...I was immediately transported into another time and place. My body became extremely relaxed. My arms and legs felt numb. I began to experience new things. I started having long conversations with a voice inside my head, experiencing vivid memories, and a flood of creative ideas.

The difficulty with traditional meditation practices is it takes years of concentrated effort to train your brain to redirect its energy into optimal patterns. But there is a way to access higher states of consciousness, without being an expert in meditation. A way to drive your brain into an altered state—automatically, at the push of a button. If you’re skeptical, I understand. However, I wouldn’t ask you to make this leap of faith without proving it to yourself and basing your answers on actual personal experience. That’s why the Ultra Meditation™ 5-Level Transcendence System was developed.

Experienced meditators, such as yogis and mystics, spend a majority of their life learning to control these physiological responses. After years of practice, they develop an ability to tap into the unconscious portions of their minds and unleash creative and mental powers that cannot be accessed in their normal waking state. We’ve all heard and read about firewalking yogis who can walk across a bed of burning coals at temperatures that should have reduced their feet to smoldering stumps, yet at the end of their walk, they suffer not so much as a blister. For those new to meditation it is very difficult to grasp the concept that our so-called "normal" waking state is neither the highest, nor the most effective state of which the human mind is capable. That in fact, there are other states of much greater awareness where one is able to enter into for brief periods of time, and then return—enriched and enlivened.

It is widely known by science that only a small part of our total mental activity takes place in the conscious part of the mind. Science has no idea what really goes on in the vast portion of unconscious. This is unknown territory. What we do know is that those who make direct contact with their unconscious mind through meditation, find incredible personal insight and are able to remove self-limiting blocks that prevent them from achieving their goals and finding happiness in life. This is why people spend years studying meditation practices.

Just for participating in this project, you’ll receive a number of valuable bonuses. Why? Because my goal is to do everything in my power to get you involved in this project. And I know to do that I must provide sufficient incentives (bribes if you like) or you’re likely to just throw this in the trash.

Frankly the only way I can be certain to get your attention is to make this offer so compelling it cannot be ignored. I apologize if it all sounds too commercial, but it’s the only way I know to insure enough participation. Please don’t let it keep you from becoming involved. If you’re ready for a breakthrough experience, you simply must try this. If not, I completely understand. Enough said. Let me begin adding to your 5-Level Ultra Meditation Series now.

[Image: TM.JPG]
This 9 CD library of Transcendental Mind™ soundtracks took over 2 years to create.

Here’s what we did. We looked at every ancient culture on Earth that uses “sacred sounds” in their meditational practices, and selected certain forms we knew would have the best affects for transcendence. We then incorporated these sounds into specific meditation soundtracks along with the Brain Supercharger technology. (This technology is detailed in the Super Brain Power book.) The was to develop unique and extremely powerful meditational experiences based on archetypal audio effects from around the globe.


[Image: HM.JPG]

A second bonus CD library will be included in your kit for participating in this program. It’s called the Healing Music Library™. Music is a powerful force. The spiritual leaders of ancient times understood this on a deep intuitive level, and for centuries have used the powers of music for spiritual awakening and self-healing.

[Image: umbonus1.JPG]

This audio workshop teaches five key principles that will guide you to a revelation that can instantly transform the way you view your life. Once embraced, these principles expand your possibilities and give you the ability to live a perfect life. I think you’ll discover the “secret” to be a profound truth that can shape your life in very positive ways. But you can be the judge of that. I’m including it as my free gift.

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Magic Button :
Great Share! Repped!
reupload please?
Can someone please reupload? Thanks

[Image: tnx.gif]
I agree, I'm very interested in this one too!

would love to have a new link
Reupload done
Thanks for the great share, Johnny
Thanks for the reup, Johnny.
Thanks SaintJohnny -- for the share and for re-uploading!
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