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Full Version: [GET] YouTube Snitch Software - Direct Access (PRO VERSION)
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Thanks REPS are appreciated! Thanks

Sales Page:

YouTube Snitch Software Direct Download - (PRO Version)

Happydance Happydance

Thanks REPS are appreciated! Thanks
Thank you for sharing. +Reps.

thanks brother for share link
thanks for the share mate ......
Thanks!!! nice share.
lol of course its only a pc app.... in 2016 #notwinning :-(

Thanks OP. Gave you +5 reps for the share but this is laughable software. It is ONLY a scraper - NOT a competition beater. At no time do you get the most critical data.

There are no backlinks shown, social bookmarks, and most importantly - TAGS.

This is worthless as a competitive tool. What is required is to know how you can beat the competing videos. This only shows video and channel data. Hundreds of applications already do that. This is only a little better than doing it manually.

My Grade: 0 / 5 stars

Useless - unless you want to see how well the "other" guy is doing. No competitive data is scraped and that is the most critical info you need. I have a dozen tools that do what this does. They are plentiful and cheap.
This software is not very valuable but thank you for taking the time out to contribute to the forum. Rep added anyway.
TY for Share
(08-19-2016 12:32 AM)Quasar Wrote: [ -> ]\\Review//

Thanks OP. Gave you +5 reps for the share but this is laughable software. It is ONLY a scraper - NOT a competition beater. At no time do you get the most critical data.

There are no backlinks shown, social bookmarks, and most importantly - TAGS.

This is worthless as a competitive tool. What is required is to know how you can beat the competing videos. This only shows video and channel data. Hundreds of applications already do that. This is only a little better than doing it manually.

My Grade: 0 / 5 stars

Useless - unless you want to see how well the "other" guy is doing. No competitive data is scraped and that is the most critical info you need. I have a dozen tools that do what this does. They are plentiful and cheap.

I won't spend 1 cent of the crap.
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