08-18-2016, 11:19 AM
![[Image: 20160817147148139337867.png]](http://imageupload.cf/photos/20160817147148139337867.png)
Earn money by starting your own monetized link shortening service, just like [Reported by Members as SPAM THREAD], >>>[[[Reported by Members as Ad Fly Related Site]]]<<<, a d f .l y links were NOT allowed here!!! or shorte.st! Allow members to shorten links and earn money, and keep a share of the profit. AdLinkFly includes a complete publisher and advertiser system, campaigns, withdrawals, API, translation ready, PayPal integration, reCAPTCHA integration and much more!
VirusTotal: https://www.virustotal.com/en/file/54a9b.../analysis/
Download: http://anonyfile.space/LP