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Full Version: {get}AccessPress Anonymous Post Pro v3.1.2
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Full feature list:

Unlimited Forms
Submit post from frontend as a not logged in user or as a logged in user.
Enter Tags for the post
Plugin option page – User can customize settings.
Email notification to admin email after successful post submission.
Customized Post Submission message.
Field Selection ability.
Anyone can post from anywhere in the site
Category selection
Add featured image to the post. More than one image and other media items can be added to the post if logged in.
Captcha for secure posting which can be enabled and disabled from plugin settings page
Use short code to display the submission form anywhere
Post submissions may include title, tags, category, author, URL, post image
HTML5 submission form with streamlined CSS styles
Posts will be directly saved into WordPress database and will show up in Admin Dashboard as pending post or any selected status with given Title, Description, Category and Tags.
Option to assign post to specific category/taxonomy or let users choose category/taxonomy from frontend
Moderator will be able to review and approve them as needed.
Authors Name, Author URL and email will be added as custom field.
Simple and user friendly
Custom Post Types and Taxonomy
Multiple Image Upload
More secure Google Captcha
Add upto 3 email addresses for admin notification
Admin notification email message customization settings
Form styling settings panel
Form templates availability
Required Field selection option
Custom required message adding option
Notes displaying options for each field
Inline login system
Option to send message to the submitter once the post is made live
Option to change the message when the post goes live
Allow suggestion text to be entered for each form field.
Tool tips option for form fields (suggest text or tooltips option)
Add more notification emails upto 3
Built in form templates
Custom form designer
Specify optional/mandatory form fields
Specify custom mandatory form field message
Google captcha
Dedicated forum support
Online chat support
Email support

YOUR SIGNATURE IS BULL SHIT...but the file is clean....

Wish I could take it all back to include REPS..................
NOT THE PRO VERSION as in the subject....
Signature goes to a Virus warning ad repeater......S***** for a Senior Member......
Hey guys, has anyone the new version 3.1.3?
It fixes the annoying bug of failed photo uploads when the extension is uppercase.
Thank you.
Link is down can you provide the new link with the updated software.Thanks reps on the way!
here is a new version http://uploadboy. com/m22aycz8mhny/118
^ link not working. :(
link working, remove space between dot and com
Reference URL's