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Full Version: BeMusic v2.0.3 - Music Streaming Engine
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[Image: 1470930425_bemusic-music-streaming-engine.jpg]

BeMusic allows you to create your own music streaming website in minutes with no coding knowledge. It has an impressive feature set that rivals and even surpasses other biggest streaming services on the market.

Link para BeMusic 2.0.3

Enjoy Guys!
anyone got the providers to work?
I'll try it on my host.

I'll update my comment .
thanks and ++Reps added
Bemusic isn't working for me a 404 error keeps popping up.
I posted this script because i got it without problems.

See: PlayMidia - Example functional installation

If you have any questions or can help. There are some settings or need to be set on the server to function properly.

(08-15-2016 08:46 AM)MasterHidden Wrote: [ -> ]Bemusic isn't working for me a 404 error keeps popping up.
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