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Full Version: [Invalid Adsense clicks] For those who suffer from them
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Hello guys,

I'm a web developer. And recently I was involved in some Adsense action.
From this I got some quite valuable insights and expertize.
And this includes how to prevent invalid clicks or dramatically make them less.
(And this prevents from Adsense ban. Because this is a reason in most cases.)

Ok. As most of my sites are based on Wordpress I want to implement a solution into WP plugin.
But this implementation will take my time, and as you know time is money.

Still this is an insider information and I dont want to sell it or spread this to public.
But i need to cover a cost of my time, so I need to approach this wisely.

So, I made a decision to open a possibility to get this plugin and know-how to 10 people that will split a cost of development.

I estimate a development time: 2 weeks from a time we gather.

If you are interested - PM me for proofs of my expertize and other details.
(I may not reply instantly if we are in different time zones. My timezone is GMT+2).

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