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Perry Marshall - Autoresponder Conversion Bootcamp
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Why Even a GREAT Sales Letter Alone (Or Even Video) Doesn't Sell Enough in 2016
.and How Autoresponder Specialist John Fancher and I Will Multiply the Power of Your Existing Sales Letter 1.5X to 5X in the Next 45 Days

My Power Autoresponder Strategy Can Boost Your Sales and Profits in Just 30-45 Days. Maybe Even 7 Days. If You Have Any Kind of "Real" Business on the Internet, I Guarantee it. Here's How.
Dear Online Marketing Professional:

Real quick - let me show you the power of the right Autoresponder strategy - how it can turn your business around in just ONE WEEK.

Bryan Todd and I performed an experiment: We drove Google traffic straight to a sales page (Purple) and to an Opt-In page. A true split test, to determine the effectiveness of an Autoresponder Sequence.

We split the traffic 50/50 and added up the cumulative Visitor Value over a span of 8 days. This Autoresponder drove people BACK to the very same sales letter over a period of time. As you can see, on the first day, the Sales Letter slays the opt-in, 4:1. (You also see the herky-jerky variations of luck, which evens out by the 8th day.)

We're asking people to buy, and they buy. The version where people get to sample the information via email starts out slow. But look what happens: Over a period of just a few days, the Autoresponder picks up speed. On Day 4, the Autoresponder surpasses the sales letter. By Day 8, the Autoresponder outsells the sales letter by 91%.

And remember. that's just Day 8. This tells you nothing about what you'll accomplish by Day 21 or 30 or 90 or Day 365. One thing I can assure you, though: It only gets better. Last year I had a customer who'd never bought a single thing from me in three years. Suddenly she spent $7,000 in four months. That's the power of Autoresponders: drip, drip, drip.

Does it seem like the performance of your promotions is declining in effectiveness no matter how great the sales copy is, and how great your promotion?

You're not alone. The economy is in the tank, trust is at an all-time low, and people are hanging on to their wallets like never before. The player who earns the most trust, the fastest, is the person who will prevail in the current climate. Even as their rivals flounder and eventually go down for the third time.

If you're going to prosper in this economy, it's going to take more than a great sales letter or promotion. It demands a strategy where, no matter how bad things are, your customers gladly look forward to receiving your emails every single day.

Those emails now need to work like a tractor beam, tirelessly and irresistibly drawing them towards you. Consider the power of a well-engineered Autoresponder system:>

Jonathan Mizel once told me, "Every message I add to the end of my autoresponder sequence gives me a $10,000 raise." A powerful principle is at work there.
Dr. Glenn Livingston is known for his extraordinary market research. Succeeding in 14 markets out of 14, a 100% success rate - unheard of even in Harvard Business School;
Yet the silent, uncelebrated secret to Dr. Livingston's success is: autoresponders. He crafts dozens of laser-targeted messages that tirelessly work for him. Glenn builds and extraordinary level of trust, quietly, stealthily, reliably, building his fortune. automatically.
Last summer at a mastermind meeting, Dr. Livingston told us, "If a guy's been getting great content from me for 2 years, he feels as though he knows me: then suddenly him paying me $1000 an hour for a phone consultation is no problem."
Today, no sales letter stands on its own. Fully 2/3rds of your effectiveness is in the follow-up you build around it.
Bottom Line: The right autoresponder strategy can 2x your sales.

So before you chase after yet-another social media strategy or hire some company from Manila to write you 67 poorly plagiarized blog articles, I would like to suggest that the fastest path to demolishing your market is a properly built Power Follow-Up Sequence.

Which is why I'm giving a unique Autoresponder Conversion Boot Camp, with silky-smooth copywriter John Fancher. If you achieve optimum quantity and quality of contact, you will achieve a superior level of traction with your customers. No one will be able to equal your magnetism or your reach. Rivals will be completely at your mercy.

This also adds a comforting element of stability to your whole business. If you have a 1-year autoresponder sequence and suddenly you lose all your traffic for a week (let's say your rankings suddenly drop or your ads get disapproved), your sales won't drop to zero. They may hardly drop at all, at least in the short term.

To the extent that such an interruption does impact your sales, you may in fact be able to compensate by hitting your list the very next day with a special offer, and you experience no loss at all. This will only be effective, however, if you've built the level of trust and rapport that a well-designed Autoresponder strategy can give you.

My Secret Email Formula, Explained:

In this Boot Camp I'm going to digest, de-construct and teach my entire approach to email and autoresponders to you, including a detailed examination of my own sales funnels and the hidden psychology behind them.

You'll get a file with every major autoresponder sequence in my sales funnel, every single email, the exact day those messages are delivered, and a look at how the various funnels are interleaved to create maximal customer involvement.

21 Email Strategies that hit pay dirt with customers FAST - I'll cover all these techniques during the Autoresponder and Email Marketing Boot Camp:

An email that elevates a prospect to a sales "disqualification" interview where you determine, with great speed, if you have any realistic chance of doing business together. If so, the customer must then vie for YOUR attention - pressing you to do business with him. An ingenious reversal.
A 100% counter-intuitive email message that builds trust by pushing customers AWAY from you, maybe even towards their competitors - and magically credentializes you as the most confident, most authoritative player in your game.
My #1 plan of attack for combating massive information overload in our over-communicated world. In the last 15 years we've gone from 50 channels to 50 million channels. How do you get heard, understood and remembered? It IS possible and it's in Template #3.
Emotionally bond with customers and prospects: Drive a deep connection in a space of 30-60 seconds! then with that bond, distance yourself from the lumbering, stupid herd and bleating sheep and bring your customer right along with you.
100% Counter-Intuitive strategy #2: A tool I employ about 1-2X per month that strengthens my connection with customers, distinguishes me from almost all other gurus, and strengthens trust. Pulls me directly into their inner sanctum. It will work just as well for you and requires NO special skills of any kind, and is built on an asset you already DO have but probably never recognized before now.
"Me, the greatest of all fools" (and on some days, it's the righteous truth): Did you know that your biggest and most tragic mistakes are not only a launch pad for your greatest successes, they can magnify the impact of your sales message. You get a template and reference examples for creating your hypnotic copy your customers have ever gotten from you.
How to turn an ordinary phone call on an ordinary day into a high-impact teaching moment that tirelessly works for you 24/7/365 for years
How to take a single email that you got from a prospect or customer just within the last 24 hours and convert it into fast sales to your entire list - and my "muscle memory" blueprint for punching the emotion level UP for max impact
How to design your sales funnel to accommodate those who want the drip-drip-drip of Chinese Water Torture, yet also engages the ones who want to drink water from a fire hose, FAST. (This is CRUCIAL. On my own email list I have people who get an email every month or two. I have people who get 1-2 emails almost every day. And EVERY level of involvement in-between. For the most part no two interested people who subscribed to my email list six months ago got the same emails from me. What they got was customized to their tastes, preferences and actions - and they didn't even know it. This is the secret to a hot, profitable email list that is largely independent of economic or market conditions.
The supreme leverage of LIES - other peoples' lies. How to expose them and render the con man stark naked: The emperor has no clothes. He is buck naked and his right testicle hangs just a little lower than his left! How to embarrass and humiliate the perpetrators and send them fleeing in shame; you can use this to multiply your credibility and reputation in an environment where trust is otherwise at an all-time low. This will enable you to promote nearly everything you sell in a vacuum. (DESPITE the fact that Britney Spears and Paintball and all your competitors and everyone else in the world is only one click away.)
How to take your OWN worst fear - of things you'd be utterly horrified to say to your very own customers - and do a complete 180. You'll see how this reliably generates the most persuasive, highest-impact email messages you've ever delivered to your audience, and it's EASY. Fast. Formulaic. Remarkable.
You're leaving 75% of YOUR money on the table if you only have one email list. How to fix this problem in 2 weeks or less, with ease and simplicity.
A system that automatically adjusts the level of contact to your customers' attention span, so that everyone gets the amount of information they can absorb. No more, no less. A perfect match for everyone.
The secret reason why out of all the "power users" of InfusionSoft - prominent, well known authors, speakers and gurus, including some really famous ones - I get less spam complaints than anyone else
The Holy Grail of marketing is: A list of people who look forward to opening every email you send them. My philosophy of email marketing; laying the all-important foundation of respect, and why email is truly the center of the Internet universe.
How you can upload a stack of autoresponder messages without writing a single thing
The ideal relationship between your email list and your blog - and how to build a huge email list even in a skeptical, email-resistant, over-crowded market.
How to do my most-favorite thing: Take two seemingly unrelated ideas and seamlessly marry them. Recent example:
Subject: The Power of Chinese Water Torture

"Chinese Water Torture" is the term I affectionately use to describe the drip-drip-drip of a great autoresponder.

A powerful autoresponder carves deep grooves in your marketplace. It leaves permanent, indelible marks.

Chinese Water Torture eventually gave us the Grand Canyon. It will give YOU the Grand Canyon, too.

There's an old saying that you have to tell somebody something 7 times before they remember it. That's probably true.

Good luck with you nitro and k2s links.

[Image: wAvLgV.png]

Add Mega, pcloud, mirrorcreator, zippyshare options.
(08-10-2016 05:33 PM)scanvenger Wrote: [ -> ]Good luck with you nitro and k2s links.

[Image: wAvLgV.png]

Add Mega, pcloud, mirrorcreator, zippyshare options.

Thanks you saved my time.
Great program ruined by S***** links. Bad times.
This is not against the rules of the forum? It should if not...
(08-10-2016 06:21 PM)topbrain Wrote: [ -> ]
(08-10-2016 05:33 PM)scanvenger Wrote: [ -> ]Good luck with you nitro and k2s links.

[Image: wAvLgV.png]

Add Mega, pcloud, mirrorcreator, zippyshare options.

Thanks you saved my time.

Hit up lynch, he has it.
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