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In a household with children, disasters lurk around every corner. Laundry soap in the dishwasher. Baseballs launched through the neighbor’s window. Heads stuck between stair railings. Sandwiches in the VCR. What’s a parent to do? "Mom, the Toilet’s Clogged!" takes on common kid-induced household problems and provides hands-on, rational solutions that work. Offering practical and funny advice in the bestselling tradition of The Worst Case Scenario Survival Handbook and Hints from Heloise, this is the definitive guide to alleviating everyday trauma. Padded with interesting tips that most adults never thought they’d need—until they became parents—this book will help parents with whatever kid disasters befall them.

Thanks so much, anybody with young kids will find this handy.

Review from Amazon

Top Customer Reviews
5.0 out of 5 starsmom's the toilets colgged!kid disasters! how to fix them
By A Customer on April 3, 2002
Format: Paperback
There is no parent in the world who cannot identify with at least one of the disasters discribed in the book. I certainly wish that I had know some of the very practical and simple solutions for a number of the disasters. The book is extremly humorous and a very delightful read. I loved the factoids. This book is a must for anyone who shares their home with children both large and small. I adored the book!!! Lauri Berkenkamp has the ability to write with both style and humor.

Additional mirror

With three small kids, this could be invaluable, thanks again
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