Does anyone know a course a guide or any VALID resource on how to pick products to sell on Amazon.
Even better, a step by step guide to starting an Amazon Business will me so happy...
Please share if you can...
Thx in advance.
Amasuite - shows you top 100 products, details, commisions, sales etc etc.
There is a TON of software that will help you out with this (search this forum, that took me 8 seconds to find), but keep in mind, individual PRODUCTS don't stay as the top selling item for very long - you're better off picking a rough niche (just use the main categories on amazons homepage, theyre basically niches in themselves), and try to sell everything in that niche. You could also, of course, concentrate on the items that give the highest commision per sale, but its better to go with items that have a good rate of sale as well..
This will not only give you a MUCH higher chance of selling anything (let alone the one product you want to sell), but will give youa bigger footprint to work with for your SEO and marketing.