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Full Version: FRANK KERN ULTRA-RARE PDF Where He Tells his REAL Life Story and How He Became the King of Internet Marketing
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(08-08-2016 03:39 AM)philosof888 Wrote: [ -> ]
(08-08-2016 03:26 AM)Theo1 Wrote: [ -> ]Hey guys I added the videos in a Mega folder now- Enjoy!


Thank you, that is awesome .

NP- Anytime-

BTW, you want to PM me what TJ stuff you're looking for? I have some different stuff you might not have-
Shameless year-later bump for a Long-Lost PDF that's well-wroth reading!
Shameless bump or not, it is indeed worth reading, Theo1 --

You get to see the kind of mindset it takes to win.

To be able to accomplish the kind of thing no one else believes you can really do.

Check it out if you've never read it.

Theo1, thank you for adding the videos...updated rating... :)

I highly encourage everyone to watch these videos if you have the time.

Here are the lessons I learned, which will be helpful to all of you.
I have added more explanation to each point to make it clear,
they were not from the videos:

#1 Believe in what you do, in the product you are selling and in yourself.

Because if you don't believe in the product, it shows up in your campaigns,
people can see it in your face and feel it in your voice.

If you don't believe in yourself and what you are doing, you will quit before
you can become successful at it.

#2 Focus on few fundamentals.
Success in IM or anything in life comes down to few fundamentals.

Instead of chasing after new products or new shiny objects, master
the few fundamentals-sales,copywriting,content creation,funnels,
getting traffic...etc and you will become successful.

#3 Reverse engineer your goals.

If you want to make $10,000 per month passive income, figure out
what all things must be in place to achieve that goal.

What product, the price of your product, how much sales you must make,
how many affiliates you need...etc

Work backward from your goal of $10,000 per month to now, figuring out
all the steps along the way.Then take ACTION, step-by-step and move forward.

#4 Raise your standards.

If your standard now is to make an extra $100 per month,
you will not achieve much.

But if you raise your standard to make an extra $10,000 per month
and make it a must, no matter what, you will achieve it.

Choose your environment and your circle of people consciously so
that they push you to achieve your standards.

Frank kern tells a story of how moving to an affluent environment
pushed him to make more money.

If the close 5 people in your life are losers and not very ambitious, you
will be the 6 th!

#5 Choose a line of work that you enjoy doing so that it doesn't feel like work.

To achieve anything worth will takes a lot of hard work and persistence.
If you are doing something you do not like and is not passionate about,
you will quit when you hit a roadblock.

You will not have the emotional energy to break through the obstacles.

#6 Empathy

Successful salesman and marketers are empathic towards their customers.

They understand the feeling, pains, dreams, and desires of their customers.

Develop the quality of empathy.

#7 Decrease suffering, increase happiness.

Your marketing skills must be used to decrease the suffering of your customers
and to increase their happiness.

If everything you do in marketing achieves that, you will become

#8 You are no different than others, if someone can do something you can also do it.

The people you look up to and who are successful are not different than you.
If you develop the skills and stick with what you are doing for long enough,
you can also become successful.

#9 Follow the directions you learned in the courses and do it.

Frank kern started seeing success only after he started following
the directions that he learned from different marketing courses and
started doing it.

Most important lesson below:



THANK YOU for your extrapolated analysis of the things you read in the report-

You shared so many important insights with us that I don't even want to touch what you wrote, which would sully your genius lol-

You really just presented everyone with an amazing RECIPE for SUCCESS- I hope EVERYONE, like myself, will give you max reps- You just shared more accurate, USABLE info than probably 50 "WSO's" and other "pseudo"- courses out there-

How many will heed your words? We'll never know, but your recipe for success, "true success," is there-

I'll add one thing though, related to what you said about "decrease suffering, increase happiness"- I don't know about most people, but I actually go through many of the courses I have- And I have plowed through the Mass Control course- And if you dig in there, you'll see that Frank teaches (or really "reveals") something that should be common sense- That MOST people in the world are just flat-out "Bored"- And that ANYONE that can shake up that boredom, even throwing another ridiculously lame "cat video" up on Youtube, will at least get some acknowledgement-

People are almost "dying" to be entertained, to break that "boredom"- So if we can not only achieve the "entertainment" aspect they are looking for, but also actually "benefit" and "enrich" people's lives through our products, services, videos, etc. -

THEN, we probably can "write our own paycheck," as long as we have found a way to monetize the whole situation, and our relationship with our "fans," or King Kennedy likes to call them (offensive to some)- Our "herd"-

Ok enough of the riff for now, thank you for your contribution to the thread-

(09-23-2017 12:43 PM)Theo1 Wrote: [ -> ]Blackhatspidey,

THANK YOU for your extrapolated analysis of the things you read in the report-

You shared so many important insights with us that I don't even want to touch what you wrote, which would sully your genius lol-

You really just presented everyone with an amazing RECIPE for SUCCESS- I hope EVERYONE, like myself, will give you max reps- You just shared more accurate, USABLE info than probably 50 "WSO's" and other "pseudo"- courses out there-

How many will heed your words? We'll never know, but your recipe for success, "true success," is there-

I'll add one thing though, related to what you said about "decrease suffering, increase happiness"- I don't know about most people, but I actually go through many of the courses I have- And I have plowed through the Mass Control course- And if you dig in there, you'll see that Frank teaches (or really "reveals") something that should be common sense- That MOST people in the world are just flat-out "Bored"- And that ANYONE that can shake up that boredom, even throwing another ridiculously lame "cat video" up on Youtube, will at least get some acknowledgment-

People are almost "dying" to be entertained, to break that "boredom"- So if we can not only achieve the "entertainment" aspect they are looking for, but also actually "benefit" and "enrich" people's lives through our products, services, videos, etc. -

THEN, we probably can "write our own paycheck," as long as we have found a way to monetize the whole situation, and our relationship with our "fans," or King Kennedy likes to call them (offensive to some)- Our "herd"-

Ok enough of the riff for now, thank you for your contribution to the thread-


Hi Theo1, thank you for your kind words :)

Most people are bored and they want to be entertained, what
you said is true.

But I haven't thought about it in a way which can be used in
internet marketing.

Thank you for sharing this insight Theo1, +5 rep's added :)
Awesome, reps!
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anyone can reupload :)
Is there a way to re upload this guys?
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