OK I joined and my first impression wasnt great but within five mins I had two nuggets of information that I think are worth way more than the price and that was only skimming over it so I am really looking forward to going through it in detail so thats a ten from me
(08-12-2016 05:08 AM)rodmcc Wrote: [ -> ]OK I joined and my first impression wasnt great but within five mins I had two nuggets of information that I think are worth way more than the price and that was only skimming over it so I am really looking forward to going through it in detail so thats a ten from me
A lot of big things coming this week, huge things tbh haha. I am so glad you found a gold nugget so fast.
Also keep in mind at least one new tutorial is posted by the team every day guaranteed!
Anyone that is on the fence and needs convincing PLEASE Private Message me!
I want you to make a decision that will change your life and benefit you immensely. Get in now for only $29. Surrounding yourself with successful people who bring you up, and giving yourself access to premium tutorials posted daily!
People outside of this forum and one other forum are paying $97!
Please send me a private message if you are even hesitating in your decision. I want to show you why this purchase is going to change your life as opposed to spending that $29 on a few meals out or a stupid shirt...
(08-17-2016 02:30 AM)benz666 Wrote: [ -> ]is this still available?
Yes the $29 early discount is still available!
Jump on it while you can =)
Purchased this and had a look around. I have to say WOW.
It's been a long time since I've seen so high quality posts on a forum. I highly recommend it :)
Is it still up? wanted to join
Any review copies Left? if so interested in a review copy
(08-21-2016 03:25 AM)hat1234567890 Wrote: [ -> ]Is it still up? wanted to join
Yes it's still up you can purchase by clicking the thread design or directly from this link:
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