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Full Version: [REQ] Local Services Website
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I would like to make a Local Services Website - something like that will help people find a local service they need.

I did a quick search in the Forum but I could find anything on the topic.

Could you please direct me the a give thread from which I can get more info on how to create one or to a WP template/website from which i can use.

Any info on the subject would be useful. Thanks
Hello.. i have done similar projects. you can use oxy classifieds script and modified it. Works great :).... if interested i can create the whole site for you at a reasonable cost :)
Hi Theyellow, send me some of your previous work.
I want to see if I can hire you for the same purpose..
(08-05-2016 05:53 AM)theyellow Wrote: [ -> ]Hello.. i have done similar projects. you can use oxy classifieds script and modified it. Works great :).... if interested i can create the whole site for you at a reasonable cost :)
I also am interested in your past work to perhaps hire for future work...thanks in advance...
here is a wordpress theme which comes handy for this kind of project .

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