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Full Version: Hi From London
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Hi there

Troy here from London.

Just joined - made 3 replies and one post and none of them is showing.

Help appreciated.
I am here new.I have the same problem, wrote 5 replies and I don't see them anywhere...
Hello Troy23,

Welcome to The BBHF!

I am not sure why your replies and posts aren't showing, but I see that your post count is now higher. Normally if you post in a "Downloads Area", those types of posts and replies don't increase your post count.


Hi there,

Welcome to BBHF! This is a great place to learn. I'm also new here.

I had the same problem when I first made some posts. And I don't know what's going on. But I just waited and refreshed my browser and after few minutes there they are!

I think there is a little delay. I think the admins are monitoring the posts first before approval..
Maybe, I don't know. But it will be there. Just a delay. :)

Cheers! :)

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