Shoot me a PM if it did! ;-)
thanks for mirror .. is it nulled??
but is it working on site?
Can't work without licence
Bump for this! anyone nulled it yet ?
sorry guys, my decoder people are still fighting a bug, totally messing a few files in a big way
I'll bust into it as soon as they resolve it and update the post.
BTW.. anyone know any good ioncube decode services?
I've got my own stuff for older, but having to use other services at the moment for newer ioncube versions, so far been ok, but this app has broken it.
Look like the owner did a good job :-( :-)
Its a pretty stupid license system. You can bypass it in so many different methods.
The most obvious is to null
function dashnex_check_license($code, $new = false)
Just return true and the stupid thing should be nulled :/