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Over 1000 books on business, marketing, branding, sales, how-to's...


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Some really old stuff though... 2011...
Still someone may find it useful. The.
thanks. reputation added
(07-26-2016 08:10 AM)linuxboyuk Wrote: [ -> ]Some really old stuff though... 2011...
Still someone may find it useful. The.

Over time you'll learn that real material doesn't have age, specially in business strategies, copywriting, marketing principles.
This is not sh-itty social media or seo or whatever overhyped 5000 $ 17 Gb of stupid videos type of information which is rehashed and updated twice a year to follow changes and get more suckers into the machine. So yeah, I think (and hope) that some will find it useful.
thanks.a lot of gold nugget there. rep+++
Nice list of books. +rep added!
Thanks for the share. Reps added. The list link has some good books on it!
Thanks for the great share. Some gold nuggets in that bunch..and for those wanting new and shiny releases perhaps the warrior forum is the way to go ;)
There are a lot of gold nuggets there. Most of the stuff is not something that "expires"; therefore it doesn't have an expiration date. I think it's an excellent list. Reps for sharing.
Quite agree, quality stuff never goes out of date. Thanks for the share.
Pages: 1 2
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