I m Searching For It .. Great Share mate ..
1 It's work. Just need to keep it safe (i mean link) and do not share outside of bbhf if anyone want to keep their account working for a long time.
2 Need to use this web-based app with right mindset cause spamming will destroy all benefits from this app.
3 Not against FB TOS cause it's just about grabbing other people videos and little bit edit with your own buttons. But it's against Youtube TOS cause you can use copyrighted videos for your own marketing so need to ask owner first before using his video.
4 This is link about PRO version and dont have whitelabel option (which is only agency need)
Great share, +rep. and also an UPDATE: it's not working as it show an error.
rv888 and barclaysone did you have the patience to read the OP's post? It is working for me!!!
Yes registration link is still working fine. But it will not if leechers like rv888 and barclaysone will cry that nothing work and share it anywhere lol.
@elenisoftikiti, i have read and whatever error i got i wrote here, it's not about patience. i thought to update thing. And yeah! it's awesome share, i'm not writing any negative review, i was updating thing i saw, okay! i do respect OP with fabulous share. First read what i wrote dont just go on typing negative things!