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Full Version: Living Ninja Legend [documentary]
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Masaaki Hatsumi, age 84, is a modern day ninja. He has taught police officers and military personnel from around the world. We follow his life, and take a close look at his amazing skills.

Masaaki Hatsumi, 84 years old, is a living ninja in modern times.
As the grandmaster of Togakure-ryu, an amazing legacy of ninja's martial arts, left and remained throughout the history of 900 years, has drawn attention from FBI and other government agencies as ultimate survival skills of dodging enemy attacks and saving one's life.

Most of Hatsumi's disciples and his followers are estimated at more than 100,000 in the world. His ninjutsu is now even taught at the university in California as a regular course. At age of 27, Hatsumi became an apprentice of a ninjutsu mentor and inherited the position after 15 years of grueling training. He bolstered his reputation during his journey abroad, with fierce fighters and soldiers being no match for him. We will look at the life of the world-renowned grandmaster and his legendary techniques in wonder.

Ouch, video is removed!
Anyone saved it or it's gone for good, please?
TY and happy new ear!
(01-09-2017 01:02 AM)curliousic Wrote: [ -> ]Ouch, video is removed!
Anyone saved it or it's gone for good, please?
TY and happy new ear!

I'm glad that you like ninjutsu @curliousic I added a new video
Ninjutsu is the most deadly skills in the world
You may like this as well...

@scanvenger thank you very much ...
You're welcome @Goofy

Although I'm not into this ninja stuff, the discipline and principles are very useful for everyday life.
(01-10-2017 10:07 PM)scanvenger Wrote: [ -> ]You're welcome @Goofy

Although I'm not into this ninja stuff, the discipline and principles are very useful for everyday life.

The Ninjutsu Today

Fortunately now, there are many schools of Ninjutsu in the world, many of them directed by descendants or students of heirs of this legacy that was transmitted from parents to children for generations, and that is how we have come to this age of knowledge .

Secrets of the Ninjas
(Discovery Channel)

JAPAN (Iga Ninjas)

the secret of Iga Ninja

Iran - Women ninja in Iran

3,000 Iranian Ninja Women

The Real History of the Ninja : Documentary on Ancient Japan's Ninja Warriors(Full Documentary)

Yes...ninjitsu is in many schools today.

In the documentary you've posted, I've learned that in order to be allowed teaching, one should pass the exam called Fifth Dan Test..wherein the practitioner is able to evade and sense threat via sensory. It's amazing because it's related to the 6th sense.

Now, we don't have to be a ninja to achieve that. We know that through meditation and yoga, or even just by pure concentration(perhaps related to yoga, but whatever) it can be achieved, too.

And, this 6th sense as I believed is linked to the 7th chakra, which is connected to pure consciousness. It just used in many areas of life, but the core principles and disciplines are very basic and useful in areas of life.
I agree with you
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