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Full Version: [GET] MyMail v2.1.22 - Email Newsletter Plugin for WordPress
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bump for new version 2.1.20
Yes also bump for new version 2.1.20
Bump for V2.20 :) and thanks for sharing new versions always
Bump for V2.20 :)
(07-31-2016 09:55 AM)SashaBlack Wrote: [ -> ]Here you go guys :)


Thanks Thank you for your help, Sasha, but this topic was updated with the latest version yesterday, before you post your version. 8cool
If you want to continue posting updates for MyMail, I am closing this topic and will follow you. Good Luck!
bump for new version 2.1.21
Many thanks Brother!
Rep+....i just start to learn use it.
Please help me. Autoresponder does't work for me. I'd like to send autoresponder after user signed up. I set 1 minute but it does not work. When I send test I can see an emial.

Please help me with that.
bump for update
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