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Full Version: [REQ] Next 48 hrs only - Tony Shepherd - Private Newsletters Collection
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Pages: 1 2
It is still 27$?
Fake scarcity?

(07-12-2016 06:00 AM)djn4645 Wrote: [ -> ]Tony Shepherd, a brilliant and one of the most honest marketers around, is selling a collection of 12 monthly issues of his Private Newsletter from 2015. I have a couple of them from 2016 and he shares very unique tactics that are working (i.e. made money) for him and his clients.

Sales page:

It's available for the next 48 hours (this guy doesn't do fake scarcity). So if anyone has got it already or can share it, I think everyone here can benefit, regardless of what business model you're following.
He puts stuff up and takes them down when he says he will. Then he repeats that periodically.
Pages: 1 2
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