most welcome sahydian :) thank you.
This is no secret? This is stale information!
(07-11-2016 12:34 PM)hardworker1970 Wrote: [ -> ]This is no secret? This is stale information!
ask for a refund :) and you're welcome.
Thanks for this share jungario + rep!
Thanks 'Jungario'! Reps given....
A little review:
The product that Megan Marchese offers here is very good for new aficionados of IM. But her sales page needs a serious rework.
Usually with material like this, you find a well crafted salespage but lame or thin product that doesn't even give you an inkling of what has to be done to complete the "system" being offered.
Megan has definitely figured out what actually works in her chosen subset of IM. Getting large buyers lists due to connections with other affiliates.
But her own efforts in remaining successful following this process are going to be stymied by lackluster sales material. Her video on the salespage is about a 5 or 6 (out of 10 - and a bit too long), the written part a 4 (out of 10). I still think she'll get some sales if people listen to the whole video. She sounds believable, which is why video salesletters tend to work better than copy alone.
Her material is all about creating/acquiring buyers lists to promote to - via affiliate partners. By creating a great product that these partners will offer to their lists, you give up 100% of commissions to get the names of the buyers. Yeah, most of us know about the concept.
She does a pretty good job explaining how you find a winning product idea and creation method. And the necessary steps to get it all put together.
The problem for Megan is that it is going to be hard for her to get top affiliates to link to this salesletter combination.
But do download her material. The concept works exactly like she outlines. Just execute the process better. Follow the example of most pros by outsourcing the salesletter (~$150 to fine writers on WF or here at BBHF).
Just my opinion.