v1.7.0, June 10, 2016
- [new] Custom user variables
- [new] Admin panel
- [new] Disable / enable chat for user
- [new] Mass marketing messages
- [new] Flow ordering
- [fix] Password reminder
- [update]Updated token generation
Can this switch to multiple accounts and continue to send messages?
Rep added. Thanks!
Please update to latest version: v1.8.0 - June 29, 2016...
update to latest version: v1.8.0
Bots? Ugh ugh ugh
I report every stupid one..easy 2 see
I also report every jerk who emails me from fb..."Hello my dear, I have something important to tell you..blah blah"
I can't wait till fb finds these bots and bans them all
who are these people? lately they have fake pics US veterans in uniform
I want a "plug in" to stop them...I have to keep chat turned off a lot they are such a butt pain.
Ideas to stop them?
please update to latest version

Here's version 1.11.0
Zip is 40MB, so do a VT scan first if it makes you feel safer..
Found it from search. Standard password applies.
Latest is 1.15.1. ANyone has it?