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Full Version: [REQ] - auto client academy - closing $5k/mo clients with email
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I don't know why he would need $27 from people if he's making $30K/mo, but the sales page is good...

You're welcome:

Magic Button :
Hey Arnie! this is a VIP link...

(07-01-2016 11:46 AM)ArnieAbrams Wrote: [ -> ]You're welcome:

Magic Button :
Bumping this...

Anybody have this?
anyone got this/?
Something bothering me about this...

If you notice he says "I Went from ZERO Clients to 16 Clients in Just 7 Days. This Quick 2-Minute Fix Was The Difference Between No-Income and Making $34,938/mo+ in Recurring Income!"

So the question I'm asking myself is if it took him only a week to get 16 clients paying him $34,000/mo in recurring income why would he not keep on doing this?

Further down the page he says "I've ONLY lost 3 clients since 2012!". So he's been at this for 4 years?

In 4 years there are 208 weeks. By now he should have at least 208 clients (assuming just 1 client a week not 16) which would mean he would be making $5 million+ a year! Even if he outsourced everything he would still be making millions.

And he went to the trouble of setting up a sales page and is asking $19.95?

Then there's the "video" of him logging into Paypal. As soon as you see him logging in it cuts to another screen. No sound, no choosing dates and scrolling through payments, clicking different pages etc.

And one more thing. In one of his email "testimonials" (3rd one down under the Download Now! link) I noticed a grammatical mistake "your the man", instead of "you're the man", and at the very end of the sales page under "Do I have to cold call?" there's the same grammatical error "your" instead of "you're".
"No, I haven't cold called one client to date after using this method. You don't have to but if your comfort cold calling".

The owner of the site also owns this website:
On there he calls himself "Gary" instead of "Jason" on his website.

Just done some more research and my suspicions were right.

The owner of both sites used to post as "mageryj" on the Warrior Forum in 2014. At the time I was posting as juk123 and I exposed him as a scammer.

Towards the end of the thread there were members filing Paypal disputes...


So Auto Client Academy is almost certainly a scam.
whatever, i'd like to take a look what's inside. can the link be updated?

(07-01-2016 11:46 AM)ArnieAbrams Wrote: [ -> ]You're welcome:

Magic Button :
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