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Full Version: [F4LT] Marketing Jurídico: Alcanza el éxito como abogado (Spanish)
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Integra el marketing al servicio jurídico para tener más y mejores clientes.

Impartido por Andres Moreta Neira

Published 3/2016

Este curso está enfocado a aquellos abogados que buscamos un espacio en el mercado de los servicios jurídicos, y queremos llegar a posicionarnos como profesionales del Derecho referentes en nuestra especialidad.

Al integrar los elementos del marketing a tu servicio jurídico, vas a producir un servicio de mayor calidad, lo cual te va a dar más y mejores clientes; mejor dicho los clientes que tú quieres tener.

Recuerda que como abogado debes vender bien tus servicios jurídicos; por lo tanto la idea de que el marketing no es para abogados,o es para malos abogados, es cosa del pasado. Todo lo contrario debes ser un buen abogado conocedor de la técnica jurídica para que el marketing jurídico te resulte.

[F4LT] Legal Marketing: Achieves success as a lawyer

It integrates the Marketing to the legal service to have more and better clients.

Taught by Andres Moreta Neira

Published 3/2016

This course is aimed at those lawyers who we are looking for a space in the market of legal services, and want to position ourselves as regarding legal professionals in our specialty.

By integrating the elements of marketing to your legal service, you are going to produce a higher quality service, which will give more and better clients; rather the customers that you want to have.

Remember that as a lawyer you should sell well your legal services; Therefore the idea that marketing is not for lawyers, or is for bad lawyers, is a thing of the past. The opposite must be a lawyer expert in legal technique to make the legal marketing you.
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