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Full Version: [GET] SliQ Submitter Plus Best Auto Subbmitter cracked By Th3 D4rkl0rd
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(07-01-2016 04:24 AM)Ghost Warrior Wrote: [ -> ]Tested it out with captcha sniper and got a better success rate than senuke.
Thanks Bro. max reps to you.

how are you using captcha sniper on senuke .

can you please tell which version is working ????
Great Share!!!! +++++reps added Thanks
Just FYI, from their main site:

Quote:Support for SliQ Submitter
Support and Help information for SliQ Submitter

Note: We no longer sell any submitter software.

Please click on the following links to get support information for our software to see if they answer your query.
Directory Submitter Support - SliQ Submitter Plus
Article Submitter Support - SliQ Article Submitter

Sort of makes me wonder if this will soon stop working, even though they still have a sales page posted offering it for $30 ?!?
Thanks for sharing reps added

wheres the "Profile Submitter" on this ?

i installed it ok, but its just got a directory submitter, nothing mentioned about a "Profile Submitter" on the software at all.

has anyone used this and found the "Profile Submitter" and got it working ?
Thanks so much
Great share - thank you so much!
any answer to post 25 above ?

"has anyone used this and found the "Profile Submitter" and got it working ? "

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