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Whatttttttt??? I did it a 1000x's
no what is the code
you have exactly?
It works for 1.0.11.
It doesn't seem to work for 1.1.1, which is now the most recent version.
I'll let someone else have a look at it, as I'm still recovering from a weekend server crash.
Now it's clear the owners
changed it up a bit...have
a good recovery...ciao
Ok, here's the solution for version 1.1.1.
Edit is still done in Activate.php. Change line 85 from
$result = $this->inquiry('activation');
$result = true;
After that you can register with anything, just don't leave the field empty. Enjoy!
thanks bud nice share, max reps 2 ya
Does anyone have the VIP Theme bUndle offered here;
Magic Button :
Hi all , DON'T forget to give REPs for @xadvqewrg!!!
@ xadvqewrg BIG REP!
Ok, here's the solution for version
1.1.1. and for the Version 1.1.2
And there you have it sport Fans
Please buy the plugin, it is very cheap. I already buy. And also appreciate the work of the seller.
Great share! Thank you jcarlosweb!!
rep added
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