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When Time Began: Book V of the Earth Chronicles by Zecharia Sitchin

[Image: 51sr_Ox_DQZg_L_SX307_BO1_204_203_200.jpg]

They came to Earth thousands of years ago to usher in mankind's first New Age of scientific growth and spiritual enlightenment. Under the guidance of these ancient visitors from the heavens, human civilisation flourished - as revolutionary advances in art, science and thought swept through the inhabited world. And they left behind magnificent monuments -- baffling monoliths and awesome, towering structures that stand to this day as testaments to their greatness.

In this extraordinarily documented, meticulously researched work, Zecharia Sitchin draws remarkable correlations between the events that shape our civilisation in millennia past - pinpointing with astonishing accuracy the tumultuous beginning of time as we know it . . . and revealing to us the indisputable signature of extraterrestrial god indelibly written in stone.
Make Time for This! By Elliot Malach
There are three kinds of time: Divine, Celestial and Earth. Most of the megaliths around the globe were astronomical computers to determine months, days, or even periods of time thousands of years into the future. These ancient civilizations knew how to determine solar dates like the equinox or solstice, and even more complex time periods based on lunar calculations. Some computed all of these.

The age of these megaliths can be determined by our knowledge of changes in the tilt of the earth, and it shows their construction dated back thousands of years B.C. These civilizations had unheard of knowledge of astronomy and mathematics - not to mention the actual construction of these megaliths out of rocks weighing in the tons, and with precision we cannot even match today.

Similarities between these structures, including Stonehenge, and others built in the far reaches of the Earth in places like the mountains in Peru, indicate the same architect! How could that be possible unless we accept Sitchin's theories on how this advanced civilization of "gods" came here from Nibiru and gave us the information? If he's wrong, how could these different races on opposite ends of the Earth each have the skies divided into 12 arbitrary units, the Zodiac, and have practically the same symbols representing each?

The coincidences seem to keep mounting. When Divine time is reconciled to Earth time using Nibiru's orbit around earth of 3,600 years to the number of Earth years in each house of the Zodiac of 2,160 years, you get 1.6666, the golden ratio - Fibonacci numbers. And there's more. Every chapter has something new.

I know, don't tell me... Stonehenge was a burial ground. Yeah right. Just shut up and buy the book. "
Thank you!
I'm hoping you have books 6 and 7 - any anything else by this author!
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