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Full Version: [GET] Gold Account ACCESS for FREE [Worth: $99/month]
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[Image: UQ7f0r2.png]

I have tried to give out gold accounts before but people changed password in just a few hours..
So I decided to create a software that will login to on one of my accounts automatically..
Then you can use it as you want!

Here is what you will get access to:
[Image: 8ASh7B4.png]

GIF if the program in action
Magic Button :
[Image: sZfj30z.gif]

I need to keep control over how many people use the bot so I can have the fitting amount of accounts loaded into it.
SO you will need to CREATE your own account within the bot to access the software. You can use any username and password for that.

Download link:

Virus scan:
Great share, thanks and rep added.
Great share and thank you..
+Rep added
Thanks mate, it's a great share!
rep Awesome share. gr8 work. thanks once again
What's the user pass?
It asking username and password. Please Let me know...
This is a great share. Do we need a username and password to access this? Is it via a portable exe?
Thank guys!
There is no user and pass, you will need to CREATE your own account within the bot to access the software because I need to keep control over how many people use the bot so I can have the fitting amount of accounts loaded into it.
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