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Full Version: [GET][SPECIALLY FOR BBHF] Diabolic Traffic Bot 5.22 or 5.21
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any new update? thx
i am using the original version of it.
its free for usage( without their proxies ) its also frequently updated .atleast once 10 days.they recently added google search also.if you like it buy from the developer.
thank you so much
There's a virus in it according to Bitdefender. Are you sure its clean?
üpdate ? many thx
Can anyone confirm this bot works? I bought it...

I use public proxies, he gathers, add site, run.

- number of visits to run 4 (or other) - it runs like mad, 3000s in 1 minutes is showing bottom right (at visits) and histats or analitycs shows 0 ...

- random click or simple visit doesn't work.

- run in visible mode (checked), doesn't work. nothing appears.

- wonder where is my problem that is not working. using v5.48 . anyone?
Fixed. Somehow, antivirus deleted some files even if I added exclusion.
Working fine. Could anybody share the ready scripts maybe?
please share links, thanks.
Today is not running and runs in task manager eating upto 92% cpu, either cracked version or bought... any idea? I tried a pc restart, nothing changed, even antivirus disabled...
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