06-18-2016, 06:43 AM
Steve Jobs: 7 Killer Online Marketing Success Strategies That We Learn From Steve Jobs Kindle Edition
written by Jack Kogera
Publication Date: November 24, 2015
Steve Jobs taught us a lot lessons for life and business success. If you desire to make a difference in peoples lives with your online marketing business then this ebook is for you. If you want to be successful online then this ebook is for you.
You will learn the 7 proven marketing strategies that he subconsciously and inherently applied to drive Apple to astronomical heights of profitability, success and dominance. Additionally, as a bonus you will learn the 11 reasons why online businesses fail and what you can do to avoid these pitfalls.
here you have a guy trying to benefit from someones death. he would make more sales with a better description, etc. sorry, not my job to tell him everything he did wrong. anyway, what is stopping you from doing something like this? easy money!
what is stopping you from giving people some +rep when someone shares something with you, that you download and you did not have to pay a penny for it???
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Magic Button :
Magic Button :