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humpty dumpty for this!!
(06-21-2016 04:55 AM)theman Wrote: [ -> ]Looks to be the same the same guy...they just joined up and renamed the product...been shared here also...check it out.

It is indeed the same thing, but:

I tested my old version of RankOptimizer from 2014 Group Buy and it isn't working and i tested the one from the VIP area and it also isn't working.
are we sure it's the same and not a brought up to date 2016 version?
bump it
bump this
100 site license is only $42.95 plus you can get 5% off that if someone wants to do a gb
Bump for Main product with oto1 ( blog fusion pro)

Already Some people trying to invite to Skype Group to do over expensive GB by including Oto1 ( Blog fusion pro), Oto 2 (link fresh), oto3 (Serp fusion), oto4 (leverage authority), Cost of their GB is $38 per person, which is too much and amounts for Cost of Front End Product

Better to just get Main product with oto1
(06-23-2016 02:09 AM)dazder Wrote: [ -> ]Bump for Main product with oto1 ( blog fusion pro)

Already Some people trying to invite to Skype Group to do over expensive GB by including Oto1 ( Blog fusion pro), Oto 2 (link fresh), oto3 (Serp fusion), oto4 (leverage authority), Cost of their GB is $38 per person, which is too much and amounts for Cost of Front End Product

Better to just get Main product with oto1

Exactly. I said the very same thing in the skype channel.

The guy running it said EVERYONE wanted everything, like he had 10 people in the GB. He only had 1 person who actually spent money LOL. What a clown.

I'm going to wait till this gets leaked. I'm in no rush.
Bump Bump Bump Bump
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