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Full Version: [GET] and other products (funnels, VSL's, finding clients)
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(04-08-2022 11:01 PM)Santhu Wrote: [ -> ]
(04-08-2022 07:44 PM)jubileewizzy Wrote: [ -> ]
(04-08-2022 05:04 AM)discomix Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks for awesome share! Reps are due to op as well as @gordon! ran out of reps today will download and see if I am having error as others have mentioned!

Downloaded all file and able to extract without any problems!

Folders: 28
Files: 537
Size: 3946208639
Compressed: 3845689773

Reps added !

Please, what software did you make use of in extracting the entire files???

Try 7Zip

Have done that several times with zero success
Thanks +Reps Added
Did anyone ever et the passwords for Gordon's share? The PDF's are nice (6 and 7 are missing) but is it just an and pal?
(07-24-2022 04:45 AM)BlackTopHat Wrote: [ -> ]Did anyone ever et the passwords for Gordon's share? The PDF's are nice (6 and 7 are missing) but is it just an and pal?

I've already decrypted the Funnel Monthly PDFs, and uploaded them here:
Thanks for the decrypted files
I've already decrypted the Funnel Monthly PDFs, and uploaded them here:

Yes, that you very much for those. Issue 6 and 7 are missing. Is the point to copy each of these newsletters a la Copy Hour?
Can't extract. Tried both WinRar and 7-zip. Please share the password.
Nice content bro.
Thank you!
Please reup Copy Hour
Yes, please reupload Copy Hour
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