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(04-09-2018 08:48 AM)godisdog Wrote: [ -> ]Course Review:

So, I have gone through most of the course. Specially the parts that cover the actual writing stuff.

For Autoresponder Apprentice, the only thing you need to change is his stock opener - since you don't need to introduce yourself anymore nowadays and google does that for you.

Modules 2-5 cover the writing part of how to do great emails. This guy knows his stuff guys, and his emails read butter smooth easy.

Module 6 covers some common questions. Module 7 covers how to send emails to buyers and Module 8 covers getting clients.

I still have to go through module 7 and 8 but from what I have learned in the rest - I can tell you writing emails can't be easier than this.

If email marketing has confused you earlier - like it confused me - this is a very worthwhile investment of time.

This course is really short, and really to the point. There's no fluff. In the first module - he sells you on his method. Which is great for building up motivation.

I just wrote an email using this course and plan to do way more tomorrow. It was actually very easy and fun to do. The result came out "decent" for a first attempt.

I can't imagine what my emails will look on the 100th or the 150th attempt. That's going to be REALLY exciting.

His process teaches you to write an email that rocks within 20-25 mins. Granted that you've done some market research prior to writing.

I have no doubts anyone investing time into AA will learn a good deal and be able to write emails that can convert prospects into buyers.

I'll leave how he does emails to the course and for you to go through it.

All I'll say is this is worth your time and it's great. I have no doubts the new version of this course would be great too. If anyone could get it that would be awesome.


PS: I look forward to paying the author with the money I make. As anyone should.

Very helpful review godisdog.

I like your long term approach to
building this skill.

Yes, it is good practice to buy the
course after you have made money
using it.

would love it if someone could reup this share. Thanks

Oh dear I'm a couple of weeks too late, could anyone kindly re-up please?
Awesome stack you got there. Which course by Matt Furey are you studying?

(04-04-2018 08:55 PM)godisdog Wrote: [ -> ]Hey @blackhatspidy

I'm going with these guys:

- Jay White (This course)
- Matt Furey
- Ben Settle
- Ian Stanley

Their courses(any and all) form my stack.

Cheers man.

PS: I'm paying when I earn off these guys courses. They've poured their heart and soul into these courses.

Least I can do is pay back.

Everything Furey puts out including his emails in my inbox. He's a GOD at emails. I'm going to get a subscription to his monthly newsletter soon too.

Anyway guys, I'm reupping for y'all. Link's gonna be up in 5 mins.
Cheers guys. Sorry for the crazy number of links. Would appreciate +reps greatly.

Magic Button :
Bonus - Desktop Reference Cheat Sheet.pdf
Bonus - Email Resource Sheet.pdf
Module 01 - Transcript.pdf
Module 01.mp3
Module 02 - Samples.pdf
Module 02 - Transcript.pdf
Module 02.mp3
Module 03 - Samples.pdf
Module 03 - Transcript.pdf
Module 03.mp3
Module 04 - Samples.pdf
Module 04 - Transcript.pdf
Module 04.mp3
Module 05 - Samples.pdf
Module 05 - Transcript.pdf
Module 06 - Transcript.pdf
Module 06.mp3
Module 07 - Samples.pdf
Module 07 - Transcript.pdf
Module 07.mp3
Module 08 - Samples.pdf
Module 08 - Transcript.pdf
Module 08.mp3
Thank you so much Godisdog! Managed to grab everything finally. I'm gonna back-up a mirror just in case. For now, gonna devour this course as email marketing has always been my weakness despite doing okay with my ecom stores.

Any chance you might missed out module 5's audio mp3 and module 6's sample pdf? If not it's cool.

I've heard Ben Settle recommending Matt Furey a few times, gonna check him out. I'm in the process of acquiring Ben's latest email course, downloading them has been a torture due to low speed. Hope to share it here soon, cheers!
Here's Module 5 mp3, not sure why Zippy missed it.

Also, there's no samples for Module 6, it's a Q&A module with Jay answering some important email related questions about deliverability, formatting etc etc.

Some of them are outdated because emails nowadays come with the name of the sender. You have to adapt.

Here's module 5 link:

I'm surprised Andre Chaperone isn't on this list. Is any of Stanley's products here?

(04-04-2018 08:55 PM)godisdog Wrote: [ -> ]Hey @blackhatspidy

I'm going with these guys:

- Jay White (This course)
- Matt Furey
- Ben Settle
- Ian Stanley

Their courses(any and all) form my stack.

Cheers man.

PS: I'm paying when I earn off these guys courses. They've poured their heart and soul into these courses.

Least I can do is pay back.
Thanks +Max Reps Added
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