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Full Version: [Get] Clockwork Funnels - FE Version
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[Image: CWF_zpsai2aj2re.png]

[Image: CWF2_zpsyovvv3sr.png]

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Registration Page

FYI - There are some PHP errors on the registration page (Disregard It). Just go to the bottom fill out the form and you are registered. The go back to login page and sign in.
Thanks will try in a few mins.
Done registering...OP do they send you a confirmation email?
Great share man!

(06-12-2016 01:33 AM)tintin Wrote: [ -> ]Done registering...OP do they send you a confirmation email?

Hey tintin. Just go to login with your username and password that you created...easy-peasy.
Thank you for sharing. Appreciated. Repped
Thanks for share +++reps added
I got a PHP error when clicking the login.
Thanks anyways but after registration it doesn't recognize info???
Max reps anyways!!
(06-12-2016 04:15 AM)PatcheZ Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks anyways but after registration it doesn't recognize info???
Max reps anyways!!

I just registered with a totally fake name and other email and got in again. You need to make sure it says Registered Successfully before trying to login. It works just fine..Thanks for the reps.

[Image: 2016-06-11_1145_zpsn2uevboa.png]
Pages: 1 2
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