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Full Version: [GET] Family Homeopathy: A Practical Handbook for Home Treatment
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Drug-free remedies -- from first aid for injuries to treatment of chronic conditions
-- Provides homeopathic remedies for 250 common ailmentsHomeopathy, like many alternative medicines, is rapidly gaining worldwide acceptance and popularity. Like all natural therapies, homeopathy encourages the body to heal itself via safe, effective remedies for common ailments that are often unaffected by mainstream medicine. Family Homeopathy makes these natural treatments accessible to the layperson. This compendium of easy-to-use, inexpensive remedies covers 250 ailments -- everything from acne to travel sickness to miscarriage to varicose veins.

To allay fears and misconceptions about homeopathy, the lucid introduction describes conclusively how and why it works. A detailed but user-friendly section explains how to use natural ingredients like chamomile or rhododendron to treat ailments such as colic or arthritis. Extensive information on self-treatment follows, with chapters on first aid for household emergencies and injuries, common health problems and chronic conditions, and special sections covering the ailments particularly affecting infants, children, women, or men. Each problem is arranged alphabetically for easy reference, and explored in depth to reveal different treatments for the various symptoms of the same ailment. For example, readers can discover, through simple, straightforward language, 33 treatments for 33 types of headaches!

This comprehensive guide makes it simple to treat common ailments naturally -- without the aid of a physician.

thanks for the health share
Please reupload.
(02-02-2024 09:44 PM)needlechi Wrote: [ -> ]Please reupload.

here you go

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